Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Quick update

Hello from far we have proven ourselves unworthy of this blogging thing. Needless to say, Marc and I have really enjoyed the break from computers. Pictures from Paris can be found here:

Today we backed up pictures from Amsterdam, Berlin, and Prague but don't have the time to go through & upload them at the moment....hopefully soon.

In Paris, surprisingly, every single person we encountered was really nice...this trend has not continued in other cities. Parisian food was a challenge. Traveling as a vegetarian is always difficult, even more so given the language barriers. Faced with another menu on which the only vegetarian items were omelettes or salads, we began dreaming of our perfect meal: a veggie burger with fries. In Amsterdam, we ate like kings with all varieties of ethnic foods, but no veggie burgers could be found.

Berlin was the shortest stay so far, it was a bit of a whirlwind but we both liked it a lot. We did a four-hour walking tour since we had so little time to see the city, which was great to get some historical perspectives. Here I could go on about the ongoing war reconstruction, the wall, memorials that were really moving, the graffiti, but instead I will note that after nearly two weeks of craving veggie burgers, we found Mecca - a vegetarian restaurant that served 28 kinds of veggie burgers. We were in heaven.

Tomorrow we're off to Italy, and are about to go enjoy our last night in Prague...